Colleagues: We are looking to move to one-to-one technology for all new students and are looking for ...
Our financial aid department is under our Enrollment Division which includes Admissions, Financial Aid, ...
At the University of Pikeville (Kentucky), our FinAid reports to the Business Affairs Office. This change ...
Hello: At Stillman College, the Office of FA is housed under the Division of Enrollment Management. ...
Hello, A Dillard University, FA went from VP EM (eliminated Role) to CFO and now its being moved ...
At Kentucky Wesleyan University (and everywhere else I've worked) financial aid reported to VP for Enrollment. ...
Good morning! Is your Financial Aid office located under Admissions or under the CFO? Or somewhere ...
Colorado Christian University uses student evals in faculty performance reviews. We require a complete ...
Marian requires them, although faculty will sometimes object, claiming students don't have the proper ...
Good Afternoon, Dr. Gleason: Thank you for sending your question. Yes, our institution--Stillman ...
Hi All, My institution is in the process of updating our annual faculty evaluation/performance review ...
Carroll College has a salary matrix that increases 9% from the highest level of assistant professor to ...
Colorado Christian University bumps up the salary based on lots of criteria, including any recent raises ...
Formerly we did a 7% raise for each promotion. Last year we changed it to flat dollar amounts of $3500 ...
Good afternoon. I am researching the salary increases due to promotion: from Assistant to Associate ...
At Colorado Christian University (down the road from you!) our professors teach 24 credits per year, ...
Colleagues, I am in my 2nd semester as Provost at DeSales and we are in dire need of a significant upate ...
At DeSales University the teaching load is a 12 fall /12 spring or 24 semester (credit) hours per year ...
Hi Aaron, we are at 24 credits (12/semester). You bring up a good point about surveys. I would love if ...
We have a faculty member that is applying to extend their HB-1 visa. The attorney has come back to us ...
Hello All, I'm looking for an institution that has recently (past 5-7 years) transitioned from a quarter ...